How to work remotely in a heatwave

Tom Rzoska
3 min readJun 24, 2022

Summer has begun. A lot of employees still have been working remotely, including me. Unfortunately, a majority of people don’t have air conditioning in an apartment, therefore we are forced to face a heatwave. I have a couple of tips which work for me and I hope these things will be useful also for you.

Take off your clothes

Not all of course but for instance, in your apartment, you don’t have to wear socks. You can also wear shorts and an airy t-shirt. Clothes have an enormous impact on your condition during a scorcher.

Ventilate your apartment

If a pleasant breeze is outside, opened windows are helpful. Fresh air also influences your mood and lowers the temperature in your apartment.

Pull down the shades

It would be darker, but the sun will not heat your apartment. Once in a while open a window, cast an eye on the outside world and ventilate a room.


Most likely, it is the most essential point. Water is crucial for us everyday, not only during summer but in the hottest months, our organisms need more water. We should abandon sweet and sparkling beverages. I also don’t recommend drinking icy water. In my case, it has a negative impact on my throat. Better play it safe and keep a bottle of water on your desk. How much should we drink? About two litres per day. How to do it? Put a bottle or a jar of water on your desk. When you see it, you will remember to hydrate yourself regularly. There are also a plethora of apps to count how much you drink.


When the temperature is unbearable, we are not as hungry as usual. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t eat. We should eat, but we can try eating in a little different way. As I described above, water is critical to surviving, hence we should eat more ingredients which included water. Vegetables and fruits are perfect to provide you with additional water. I also recommend abandoning or limiting meat intake. The meat contains salt which disturbs our water system. There is also good news, if you are not hungry, don’t force yourself to eat anything.

Don’t work outside

A balcony or a backyard with a huge umbrella is appealing for us to work there. Unfortunately, it is not a good idea. A laptop screen reflects the sun and we even don’t know how weird positions we sit. This is absolutely painful for a spine.

Cool your pulse points

If the weather is unbearable indeed, we can put something cold on the neck or temples. It is really useful and provides a feeling of relief.

Change your working hours

If it doesn’t matter when you work, you can try experimenting with working hours. Adjust your work to the weather, and don’t work when the temperature climaxes. Unfortunately, my working hours are stable, but on the other hand, I begin at 6 am and finish at 2 pm. In the morning I always do things which demand my full engagement. When the temperature increases, I can work slower, using less energy.

I hope these solutions will be useful for you and the weather doesn’t spoil your productivity at work anymore.



Tom Rzoska

I am passionate about productivity and talking about life stuff. An introvert and an overthinker. I also love meditation, books, running, biking