10 reasons why you should try meditation

Tom Rzoska
4 min readApr 29, 2022

Nowadays, society is aware that being fit is essential for our health. A healthy diet and physical exercises give us enormous effects like appropriate blood pressure, smaller cholesterol level, better oxygen level or proper weight. Furthermore, due to better physical health, we can live longer. It is undebatable that we should treat our physical health very seriously, yet what about our mental health? Why don’t we train the brain as the body?

​Fortunately, we live in times where people are more aware of almost everything, including mental health. Moreover, mental problems have begun to become as substantial as physical health. People with mental problems are less afraid of shame, being mocked or being humiliated. We are more willing to share our problems with psychologists or psychiatrists. Nevertheless, there are still a plethora of human beings that are afraid of being tagged or they simply don’t feel comfortable with talking to strangers (specialists). Fortunately for them, there is a way to deal with mental health on their own. It is meditation.

​I don’t want to be understood inappropriately. Meditation is not only for people with serious mental problems, it is absolutely for everyone. There are 10 reasons why you should try meditation:

1. Reduced stress

We live in stressful times. At work, we are obliged to do everything as soon as possible, which affects our private life as well. Bigger cities, more noise and rushing don’t allow us to be rejuvenated. Meditation is good for chronic stress and specific stressful situations. Due to mindful breathing, we can deal with them. Take a few deep breaths and exhale slowly. You can count to 4 when you inhale, then count to 6 when you exhale. Even one minute is enough to diminish your stress level. There is an advantage in a long time of practice. After a few months, you can notice that you are less susceptible to tough situations.

2. Creativity

Yes, meditation can also enhance creativity. Research shows that meditation switches our way of thinking. It means that we are open to new ideas. Additionally, our attention is improved, which allows us to recognize useful notions.

3. Better focus

Sometimes, I tell my child, “Pay attention”, “Be focused”, yet how can he do it if he is not taught to pay attention? In meditation we learn it everyday by choosing a home base, our breath or another sensation in the body, for example, the warmth of hands. If we come back to a specific point every time our thoughts go away, we practice concentration. The more we practice, the less our minds wander.

4. Stronger the immune system

It is also amazing for me, nevertheless, researchers proved that meditation impacts the immune system. A group of people who had been meditating for two months was less vulnerable to getting an infection than another group who had not been meditating. Moreover, people from the meditation group, who came down with an infection, had significantly lower symptoms. Of course it doesn’t mean that meditation is a shield for protecting you from any disease.

5. Physical health

Not only physical exercises improve our health. It is obvious that chronic stress affects the body utterly. Inflammations, inappropriate blood pressure, problems with digestion, pain etc. are also caused by chronic stress. If meditation diminishes a stress level, mentioned physical problems decline.

6. Enhanced quality of sleep

Some scientists claim that meditation has an equal influence on the quality of sleep to medication or cognitive behavior therapy. Some claim that meditation has a better impact. Nevertheless, it doesn’t matter which research you prefer. It is proved that only 10 minutes of meditation every day can solve your night problems.

7. Better relationship

Emotional conversations, arguments, disagreements are normal in relationships. How many times do you say something you did not want to? How many times do you regret that you did not let it go? Meditation teaches us to control our emotions. Emotional awareness is essential in every relationship. We can also be taught to step back and think before we say something.

8. Coping with life problems

We always had and we will always have problems. Nothing can prevent them. On the other hand, who forbade us to strengthen our resilience? Mindfulness helps us to face tough times. Due to noticing small beautiful things like sun rising or fallen autumn leaves etc., we are able to deal with our traumas easier.

9. Increased happiness

This point correlates with the previous. As we know, happiness is not our possession, happiness comes from the quality of our experience. A mindful life leads us to be more aware of every day of life. It teaches us to accept situations, good and painful as well. Mindfulness magnifies pleasurable situations and softens tough ones.

10. Time for yourself

Nowadays, the majority of people don’t have time for almost anything. Additionally, we don’t have me time, which is even worse. If you don’t have time for yourself, you will burn out very quickly. Meditation gives you at least 10 minutes of me time every day. It lets you be with only yourself and your mind. Believe me, it is enough to be fulfilled.

​In conclusion, in my opinion, these are 10 main reasons to encourage you to try meditation. Researchers found more, moreover, they still find new advantages of meditation. Everyone is different and everyone can take advantage of meditation in a different way. You don’t have to pay for it, you can simply try and check whether it fits you or not. You have nothing to lose.



Tom Rzoska

I am passionate about productivity and talking about life stuff. An introvert and an overthinker. I also love meditation, books, running, biking